Friday, September 9, 2011


Thank you for your visiting. I am muslim and one of my hobbies is writing. M English is not very well but itry to do my best. Hope you understand what I mean or wrote.

I am concern about humanity, woman and children. So on my blog I will sharing some inspiring/good story by me or anyone else.  A few month ago I closed my account on tubely..cos make me angry.  Some of them asked me about why islam like fighting, woman in islam look so low…bla..bla..bla. One of my reason here is for that too.  I Try to explain as could as I can. Differences is not for debat or fight…to fond out who be the right one or be the winner. But for respected… 

No body one perfect….but I believe on my faith.  Arab, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan maybe islam…at least most of the people are muslim..but Islam not Arab,Indonesia,Malaysia or Pakistan.  We have one book for the clue of our life… The book whic never change from the first time. We keep the book in the same language, the same page, the same contain, the same in anything.
but the application became different because our culture.  Culture is come from habitual wich build in many many years…habits that make the culture/caracter of a place. We cant choise where we will born. No place, no perfect. Midle east, eroupe have goodlooking people than asia...but can you judge that we are worst??? no way....Indonesia maybe have unpointed nose, no perfect white skin or not tall enough...but you can find easy smile on our face !!!

You can see the pict….could you find who have the most nice heart, inner beauty or seincerity???? we can not judge people by appearance. But  the apperance it could be make a wrong judgement.

I founded a book written by As-Sulami from Iraq who lived 1000 years ago. This book is about Woman as Sufi. On that time, people admit for their wisely  and knowledge. some even gave lectures. But I am so sad,I afganistan as writtern by National geography  that they not respected to woman. Seem so hard live as a woman there. Man can cut her nose, ear easily…and do bad anything if they not obey. which obviously was not the teachings of Islam So How could be happen??? Maybe is  because of civil war, real war for defense or MAN EGO to make it was happen.  I don’t know… ?? sorry....
Sometime…marriage will broken bacause of the marriage become like a company. There is a bos and worker. “ Marriage with someone  who love you and make sure that he/she love’s his/er GOD more than he/she love you. Make you can stand whatever happen to your marriage” Love is relatif… make your pale like a best friend…no just for the place you release your passionate. …but its just my opinion…its up to you  about that !!!
Islam highly appreciates women. because they could be a mother. There is a saying that says "in the hands of a mother, the fate of a country is determined". Woman in islam have to close her body with hijab and long dress..bacause…protect them from anything bad… harassment and violence.  Someone from abroad asked my friend “why indonesian man need married. In his country they can choose a woman to go out and sleep together as he like” I cant imagine…
Married is protect someone from any bad thing. At least.AIDS.  Married need strong comittment…bacause…life is not just for fun. But to make your life is worth…having children and litle family. Make your life complete…
For mans from woman

I was born naked as you are
I was born holly as you are
My crying as strong as you are when a baby
I am naughty as you are when a child
..and I am a cute and sweet  as you are when sleep well
.....In mother hug

I am a weak creature
I am a tender creature
...... it is said
But my arms could be as strong as stell
My muscle is stronger than iron
My brain more sharp than einstein
When ....we have to be alone
When....there isn’t you
The crock crow have no chance even just say hello to me  ...when I must earn a living
My step go to run
My mirror doesn’t  chance yet  to record my face ...
When I have to take the hard life
...without  you

I am a woman
We are not a weak creature
But we are not strong as the coral stone too
...we are crumbly

We need your back to lean on our tired
We need you caring and loving for give us a life spirit
We need you to make a life wheel’s is work

Do you know that......
A wise in your eyes
Your tenderly fist
And your joking
That make us could accept all of them

We don’t ask to be similiar as yours
We don’t need your flatter or your praise to us 
We are womans
Just want to be respected
To be understood
To be accepted
In The GOD eyes we are the same
There is some one asked to Muhammad, who the first time to get anwers if our parents call us in the same time???
1.       Your mom..
2.       Your mom
3.       Your mom
4.       Then your father….!!!

A child asks her mother to his GOD:
"Allah, why My Mother crying?" ALLAH answered, because your mother is a woman.
"I created her, as very special creatures. I reinforced shoulders, to keep his daughter's and son. I soften her  heart, to give a sense of security.  I reinforced her womb, to save the human seed. I give her strong spirit, to keep fighting when others give up. I give him a taste sensitive,to loving her son and daughter in any circumstances. I give her, strong caracter, to keep her love, despite being hurt by the son of his daughter or her husband though. I give her strength, to encourage her husband to learn from mistakes. I gave  inner beauty to protect her husband. your mother is a very powerful creature. If at any time you see her cry, it's because I gave her the tears that could used,anytime to wash his inner wounds, as well as to give new strength.

If u hurt woman its mean you hurt your mom hurt. If there is a wife who in her husband's hurt, then it will be business gods to reciprocate. Islam has never underestimate women's.